Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DIY Mini Kraft Envelopes

I put together a little step-by-step photo tutorial to show you how I made the mini kraft envelopes in my July Counterfeit Kit. I downloaded and printed THESE ENVELOPES from Vicky at Clips-n-Cuts. Isn't she amazing to offer these for free? :)
Step1: Cut out envelope following printed template. Score along tabs. Punch 1/8" hole near point on top flap.

Step 2: Fold along all scored lines. Ink all edges using Creamy Brown chalk ink.

Step 3: Insert a piece of twine through hole. Leave only a small tail behind hole (about 1/2").

Step 4: Cut out circles from template. Ink edges with Creamy Brown chalk ink. Punch 1/8" hole in center of circle. Align over hole on flap.

Step 5: Insert tan (or metallic) eyelet through circle and flap, making sure that the end of the twine is still pulled through the hole underneath. Set eyelet.

Step 6: Cut out and ink edges of second circle. Punch 1/8" hole through center of circle. With top flap closed, mark position for second circle. Punch 1/8" hole through ONLY the front layer of the envelope.

Step 7: Insert eyelet through circle and front of envelope. Set eyelet.

Step 8: Close envelope by wrapping twine around the circle clasps.

I hope that you found this tutorial helpful and not too confusing, lol! I find pictures very helpful when I am trying to assemble something for the first time. I am excited to check out the other links that Beth and Meridy have shared today on the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog-fun ideas for how to use these mini envelopes! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. AWESOME tutorial! I remember seeing Vicky's video about this. Thanks for reminding me to use that template! Have a great summer, Sherri!

  2. I love your step by step instructions! Thank you! I really want to try these!

  3. Great tutorial - thanks for sharing!

  4. love the tutprial...I like pictures because they are quicker than a video! Thank you!

  5. Gorgeous envelopes - thanks for the link to the template - I can see me making a LOT of these!

  6. Thank you Sherri for linking to my video and reminding me these cute envelopes! LOVE THEM! They were and still are a great hit. So many people downloaded these!

  7. lovely envelope tutorial - I really want to try these now!

  8. Thanks so much for the link - these look super cute!


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